After winning the Mystery Ranch 6500 in the BAYED contest on On Your Own Adventures Forum – Hunt Talk, I’ve been trying to give this pack the workout it deserves.
Immediately, this pack became my go-to pack while shed hunting and bear hunting in the spring and carrying the spotting scope and other goodies.
Over the summer I took it everywhere with me. The 6500 carried my gear deep into trail-less areas several times, on quests for cutthroat and golden trout.
Trying to get away from the crowds while paddle-fishing on the Missouri, I got a chance to haul out my first critter for the pack.
The pack even got to come to work with me a few times. Working on the Charles M. Russell NWR, I helped dig out a 75 million year old Elasmosaur fossil. I packed in bags of plaster and five gallon water jugs for the crew using the NICE Frame and Load Sling. I even packed out the skull of the beast encased in rock and plaster. It was the heaviest load I’ve ever carried. The pack did great!
August through November the pack never went more than a few of days without getting sweat on it. From bowhunting antelope in the breaks to chasing elk up high in the Gallatin Range, the pack came with. After having many close calls during archery season, I ended up empty handed for elk with a bow.
I was, however, able to harvest a six-point bull as soon as rifle season began. The bull came out pretty easy with the NICE Frame and Load Sling. Help from my friends was an added benefit!
Although my buck from this year didn’t require packing, the 6500 was still there carrying my gear on our float trip in which we accessed land-locked public land via river.
Throughout the year, the NICE 6500 accompanied me on many adventures. It’s the best pack I’ve ever used. I am planning to add more MR’s to my collection for day hunting and skiing as soon as funds allow.
Thanks Mystery Ranch Backpacks and On Your Own Adventures for the amazing pack!