The Station Foundation

Military Foundation

Headquartered outside of Bozeman, Montana, The Station Foundation is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization providing meaningful restorative homecoming services for our Special Operations Community as they return home from war.

The Station Foundation serves those who quietly serve our nation: Warriors and their families in the United States Special Operations Command [USSOCOM], including those who’ve endured the ultimate sacrifice of losing a family member.

Station Foundation serves this community through experiential, holistic programs hosted here in Big Sky Country. The staff is a mixture of Veterans and professionals who design and execute a series of workshops helping members of Special Operations restore their priorities and intentions, reconnect to the people and ideas that matter most and return home with meaning and purpose. As participants enjoy workshops designed to walk alongside them on their journey, they develop a greater understanding of who they are and how they want to live beyond the uniform.

Kevin Stacy, Founder, had the privilege of serving as an Army officer and aviator in a special mission unit, deploying twelve times around the world in support of our global pursuit of terrorism. Serving at this level was an absolute honor, and came with a relentless and unforgiving pace, demanding the very best from all of those who serve our country on a nightly basis. As a leader in Special Operations, he observed the Nation’s finest giving everything they possessed on the battlefield, only to come home and be left without the training, tools, and resources to return into their homes and families with the same direction and purpose. As someone who trained and deployed alongside these warriors, he knows firsthand about the cumulative impacts of chronic war does on the body, mind, and soul – and how these impacts extend beyond the war-fighters and invade their homes and ultimately their community.

As the longest war only gets longer, our very best require outlets of deliberate restoration and reconnection to what matters most in their lives. Kevin separated from the military in 2012 to provide an authentic, guided, thoughtful system of world-class services that meet our SOF Community beyond the objective and help guide them home with meaning, purpose, and joy.

"Being a part of this organization means continuing to serve with the same commitment and focus as I did in uniform. It means belonging to something bigger and greater than myself, where we work closely together as a team to deliver world-class service to people who deserve it. It means showing up every day with purpose and a path to give this purpose a new identity. Much like my time in the military, being a teammate at The Station drives me to my very best. At the end of the day, it is a path of service to make our Nation stronger and safer."

- Kevin Stacy, Founder.

For the past five years, MYSTERY RANCH has been going beyond outfitting service members, to supporting the children who have lost a parent in combat. Since 2013 MYSTERY RANCH has provided in-kind support to The Station Foundation by outfitting Gold Star Children (children who lost a parent while serving our Nation) with backpacks similar to those worn by their parents. These backpacks are used as the campers complete an intense backcountry crucible testing their mental and physical strength. During their ten days in Montana, campers also complete nightly honor hikes. Each night the children and their Special Operations mentors load a boulder in their backpack and complete a memorial hike. They carry this boulder to a cairn in the woods where they both physically and emotionally unload the weight they are carrying.

People who want to make a financial commitment to our organization can visit to learn more and make a donation. For local inquiries to volunteer directly, please reach out to Kevin Stacy at to schedule a time to talk and see how you could make the best impact.