Backcountry Meals with Dietary Restrictions: Part 3

By: Hope Gately Backpacking in the backcountry takes immense planning: routes, gear, and food planning must all be considered. When an adventurer has dietary restrictions, it adds another layer to the preparation process. Luckily, dietary concerns don’t have to hold you back or cramp your style. MYSTERY RANCH caught up with Hunting Ambassador Randy Newberg […]

Backcountry Meals, Snacks and Fire Safety: Part 2

By: Hope Gately Cooking food in the backcountry is one of the most enjoyable aspects of backpacking. However, as wildfires continue to grow in frequency and scale, particularly in the arid western and southwestern states, all backpackers need to have a fundamental understanding of fire safety. We’ve asked MYSTERY RANCH’s Fire Ambassador Sasha Berleman, director […]

Hunting Backpack: $100 vs. $500

By: Hope Gately There is, perhaps, no outdoor sport more misunderstood than hunting. The process might seem simple; get gun, find animal, shoot animal. Those who hunt know that this time-honored tradition is much more complicated. Hunters prepare months in advance. They study miles of backcountry terrain, scouting animal skat/tracks in hopes of locating the […]

Top Backcountry Meal Tips from our Ambassadors: Part 1

By: Hope Gately Stay tuned until the end of the article for an accompanying video from our friends at BackpackingTV. Cooking in the backcountry may seem daunting or burdensome to many backpackers. Some people approach this necessary undertaking as yet another mundane task that must be accomplished at the end of a long day. MYSTERY […]

Top 5 Tips for Staying Comfortable while Backpacking

By: Hope Gately Stay tuned until the end of the article for an accompanying video from our friends at BackpackingTV. The conditions that many backpackers find themselves in are often extreme: rugged terrain, wet or cold conditions and the added stress of carrying your life on your back. None of these conditions are conducive to […]

How to Lighten Your Pack Without Regretting It

By: Hope Gately Stay tuned until the end of the article for an accompanying video from our friends at BackpackingTV. The terms “ultralight” and “lightweight” are familiar terms in the backpacking community and with good reason; whether you’re hiking the PCT or powering through a three-day ramble in the backcountry, the weight on your back […]

$100 vs. $500 Backpacks

By: Hope Gately Stay tuned until the end of the article for an accompanying video from our friends at BackpackingTV. In for the Long Haul: Make the Commitment All adventurers start somewhere. For me, backpacking started over ten years ago in Rocky Mountain National Park of Colorado with an off-brand pack that cost $95.99 and […]

Remembering Your Roots, from a Third-Generation Montanan

By: Cody VanOrden What does hunting mean to you? I ask myself this question each season. Lately, I think it’s been muddied by what social media wants it to be for many of us. In recent years, I’ve caught myself getting overly excited by top-of-the-line gear, exclusive locations, prized bulls, and comparing myself to the […]

MYSTERY RANCH x Carryology: The Dragon Awakens

By Senior Editor at Carryology, Taylor Welden MYSTERY RANCH x Carryology: The Dragon Awakens Ladies and gentlemen, our team is incredibly proud to introduce the… MYSTERY RANCH x Carryology No Escape. Our second collaboration with none other than MYSTERY RANCH. One of the greatest pack makers the world has ever seen. If you’re reading this, […]

Meet Some Faces of the Good Fire Alliance

By Fire Ambassador, Sasha Berleman As a follow-up to Building A Community Practice of Living with Fire, we wanted to introduce you to some of the faces that make up the Good Fire Alliance! Photography: Sashwa Burrous