Business for Montana's Outdoors

Outdoor Foundation

Business for Montana’s Outdoors: Protecting Our Outdoor Assets for Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs  

Business for Montana’s Outdoors was launched in 2012 to ensure the future of our outdoor legacy by elevating the importance of healthy, protected landscapes. We believe our public lands are vital to our quality of life and sustaining a balanced, diverse economy.

Our advocacy focuses on the preservation of our outdoor heritage through common sense policy and collaboration, raising awareness about the role Montana’s public lands play in providing a competitive advantage to our state’s economy, creating jobs, and supporting our unique communities.

"For those of us living in Montana, so much of what we do is often defined by our access to public lands. It’s why we live and work here. Our backyards deserve protection and preservation for those after us to enjoy the same vision of Montana that we all love and cherish. The work of Business for Montana’s Outdoors helps connect our economy to our public lands, and therefore our quality of life."

- Jess Minalga, Mystery Ranch Marketing Manager

Together, we are building the case for the value of Montana’s outdoors, leveraging the business voice to help make the connection between healthy and resilient public lands and a strong economy.